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"The Horizontals"


This collection is a tribute to seven great and famous courtesans of the 18th and 19th centuries. These women knew how to write their destiny and manifest it, they represent by their singularity and their audacity true inspirations.

"I imagined myself in conversation with them in a discreet and hushed place in the Paris of our time, each of them wearing an outfit straight out of my imagination and made in my workshops. We chat, I tell them about today's Paris, they tell me about yesterday's; they fascinate me... I imagined some of them more exuberant and surprised by the modesty of many of them. La Paiva corrects me on my overly revealed enthusiasm, La Belle Otéro asks me if I have a protector, Liane de Pougy asks me if the ad is still relevant, La Contesse de Castiglione asks me what is the most beautiful jewel a lover has offered me. Madame Valtesse de Labine advises me to be firmer in my demands, La Mata Hari tells me to be wary of love, La Dubarry assures me of the opposite.




The Countess of Paiva


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